Saturday, December 23, 2006

George Monbiot and air travel

In response to the vicious comments slamming George Monbiot for his air travel:

In these times, the cynical couch commentator has arisen to claim his place as the premier judge of right and wrong.

HYPOCRITE!!! is his gleeful cry, slamming yet another person who advocates principles and holds people accountable to them.

Such people take great pleasure in trampling 'tall poppies', especially those who state inconvenient facts, making people uncomfortable.

Yet a hypocrite is hardly the worst thing you can be.

If you dare to have ANY principles in this world, you are a hypocrite, since as citizens, we are all complicit through our insufficient action, in massive, unprecedented injustice.

(hence, the equation goes, you should not publicly advocate any principles if you don't want to be a hypocrite).

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