Friday, December 29, 2006

Response to my sister

My sister just sent me this message:

An interesting article by Paul Gray in the Australian today. I like his point about the need for grounding in metaphysical and historical awareness to interpret the signs of the times.

My response:

Dear L,

Whilst i agree that middle class intellectual culture is somewhat empty, I don't believe that the ABC has much bias in that way, and if anything, is an antidote to that. (Think Geraldine Doogue and Father Bob, and the excellent content on Radio National).

I think it is dangerous to be passive or to endorse the agenda by Howard and News Limited etc to water down the critical content of our media. I think the most important programs that the ABC airs are those that encourage thought outside the box, especially those programs that expose Australian government policy, when it is causing injustice.

There is a strong tradition within journalism, especially investigative journalism, to side with the underdog and to encourage empathy within the general public for the cause of oppressed people. Think about the journalists who were murdered in East Timor, for their heroic work in alerting the Australian people to the injustices of the Indonesian military, that Australia was complicit in, by training soldiers and giving political support to Indonesia and to the US.

If there is no critical thinking in this area, where will it be?

-In the history lessons? Oh no- that's a 'black armband view of history'.

-In English lessons? Oh no - that's the 'postmodern menace'.

-Through universities and student protests? Oh no- student organisations have lost most of their funding, because they use
student funds to campaign against government policy, and pull down fences at Woomera Detention Centre.

-In Non-Government Organisations such as Greenpeace? Oh no- due to recent legislation, they get their 'charity status' revoked if they are 'political' and disagree with the government.

-In other media outlets? Oh no the cross media ownership laws will further concentrate Australia's media ownership (it is already the most concentrated in the world). See Friends of the ABC submission to the cross media ownership Inquiry.

If you don't usually notice the agenda by Howard and Co to remove the critical infrastructure of Australian society, then you will not understand the urgency with which I approach life, and the grave responsibility of our generation to take action.

Can we win against global warming if we have an uncritical media like FOX/ Murdoch that is favourable to the agendas of oil companies?

Can we free the refugees from indefinite detention on Lombok, Manus Island, Christmas Island, etc when our ABC is silenced?

Can we revoke the Work Choices legislation if the media is a cheerleader for it?


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