Tuesday, January 16, 2007

a litmus test indicator of the GORE that drives newspaper sales in australia is the top 10 articles on the sydney morning herald website:

Many distressing words and themes: 'revenge', 'beheading', 'decapitate', 'rape', murder, etc. Less celebrities than usual...

except one good thing- i like the 'Burquini' story...

Members of my family always threaten to cancel our newspaper subscription, cos they get too upset from it all.

personally, i don't think that murder stories and the like should be on the news. The rate of murders and crime in sydney apparently is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago- yet we keep on hearing about crime all the time, and thinking the world is so dangerous.


1. iPhone skins irk Apple
2. The Queen is crowned
3. 'Burqini' comes to Aussie beaches
4. Prostitute's revenge on farmer who wouldn't pay
5. Charged star loses rich radio job
6. One MP's very dirty laundry
7. Vet's beheading motive mystery
8. Saddam's brother decapitated in hanging
9. Teen charged over rape and murder of baby
10. Why didn't Shawn try to escape?

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